“Canine Computing” – The telephone pole is where all the dogs stop to check their pee-mail


“Boot Art” – Salt-stains on tile


“Urban Camoflage” – Galoshes by @SWIMSNorway seen on the streetcar, Toronto


“Sitting, Waiting, Wishing” – Woman at bus stop, Dupont & Symington, The Junction, Toronto

“Hi” – Rugged and unusual Volvo


My friend, Rudo, has informed me that this is a Volvo C303 and is “amazing.”

I also found a video (what did we ever do before YouTube?) of one of these bad boys in action:

“I Call False Advertising” – ‘Tropical’ trailer, Brechin, Ontario


“I’m Melting” – Unseasonably warm temperatures melt parking lot snowbank, Toronto

“Winter’s Here” – Couple warms-up on subway with a Timmies and each other, Toronto

“It’s a Little Early for That” – Pathetic-looking snowman (leaf-man?) in the suburbs of North Montreal

“Got Honey?” – House, Collingwood, Ontario

“Thpppp…” – Chinese lion sticks out his ‘tongue’, Toronto

“Green Bin”

“Sun Bouncing Building”

“Lighting The Way” – External stairwell at an apartment complex, Leslieville, Toronto

“Plug ‘Er In” – Truck with block heater, Toronto

“Waiting in Warmth” – Davisville Subway Station, Toronto

“Bar Graph Scarves”