“Planet of the Eights”

“Three Little Birds”




“Grid on Grid”

“Making Sunshine”

“Distant Ridges, N°3”

“Distant Ridges, N°2”

“Distant Ridges, N°1”

“Light Tunnel Vision”

“Square Roots”

“It’s All Window Dressing”

“Tropic of Leslieville”

“You Can’t Please Everyone All the Time”

“The Frame Up”

“S’up Dawgs?”



“Window Dressing: You Guys”

“Window Dressing: Multiplayer”

“Window Dressing: Green Meanies”

“Reflection Jenga”


“Line ‘Em Up”



“Like Sardines” – Ribeira, Douro River, Porto, Portugal

“Mall Buddha”

“Temple of Swoon”
