“Half-n-Half Cat”

“Two-Tone Cat”


“Bad Moon Rising”

“iPhone Jedi Master”

“The Musketeers”

“Missed Connection”

“Pay No Attention to the Cat Behind the Curtain”

“You Rang?”

“Model Burrito”

Throwback to surviving April’s sub-zero temperatures during Chris Nicholls‘ shoot for RW&Co. Fall 2018

“Space is the Place”

“Mall Buddha”

“Temple of Swoon”


“Netflix and Out Cold”

“Judder Construction”


“Silver Slither”

“Cracked Mirror”

“Black Mirror”

“Herculean Triumph”


“A Thousand Points of Light”

“Drive Safe”

“Hostile Takeover”

“Onward and Upward”

“All the Right Angles”

“Any Port in a Storm”

“Race Face” – Walking along what is currently the eardrum-splitting starting grid/finish line of the Toronto Honda Indy

“All To Myself”

“Sorry to (Super)impose”