“Grid Lines”


“Grate Escape”

“Flew Too Close”

“Decisions, Decisions”

“Parking Lot Princess”

“Sherbourne Common, No.3”

“Sherbourne Common, No.2”

“Sherbourne Common, No.1”

“Platform Powwow”

“In A Flash” – Union Station during Fan Expo



“DP: Double-Paolo”

“Under Surveillance”

“Cue Music”

“There Is A Light That Never Goes Out”

“The Circle of Condo Life 2.0”


“Infinite Impermanence”

“I Un-Woke Up Like This”

“Arch Rivals, No.3”

“Arch Rivals, No.2”

“Arch Rivals, No.1”

“Glazier Canyon”

“Golden Ridge”

“Downtown Waves”


“A Tree Stands Alone”

“Cloud Mountain”
