“Pffft-ing Prazeres Pussycat” Post date November 25, 2022 Tags animals, calico, calico cat, cat, cats, farm, farm animals, Madeira, pffft, pink, Portugal, Prazeres, School Farm dos Prazeres, tongue, tongue out, travel, tri-color, tri-color cat, tri-color coat
“Air Jordan by Snooker” Post date May 12, 2019 I am very pleased to announce that Snooker has been adopted. Diana and I are sad to see him go—and will miss his extremely loud purring, feeding time head butts and toothless love bites—but are very glad that this old feral has found a furever home. Tags Air Jordan, Air Jordan by Snooker, Air Jordans, Bubba, Bulldog Cat, catitude, cats, domesticated feral, feral, feral cat, flying, foster, foster cats, fostering, Jordans, sleeping, sleeping cats, Snooker, Snooker Cat, tongue, tongue out