“Asphalt Waves”

“Light Switch Lit”

“Splitting the Uprights”

“Into The Woods I Go”

“Sad Streetlamp”

“Bright Spot”


Snooker (a.k.a. Bubba a.k.a. Snookerdoodle a.k.a. Bubbaganoush) has progressed by leaps and bounds since the last photo of him I posted. In just over three months, this former feral has gone from being scared by most human interaction—only allowing himself to be pet via a soft duster on a long pole—to sleeping with us most of the night and even jumping up of the couch to curl-up between us while watching tv. A few more months and this toothless wonder might even turn into a lap cat.


“Shady Lane”

“Vacant Concierge”

“Let The Sunshine In”

“Column of Light”

“Evil Eye”



“Reflection Jenga”

“Light Ripples”

“Doors of Portugal: Cascais”

“Drinking It In” – Caves da Raposeira winery, Lamego, Portugal

“Half-n-Half Cat”

“Mall Buddha”

“All Hat; No Cattle”

“Sunset Jenga”

“Not a Morning Person”

“Line Dappling”

“Fruit Loops”


“Making the Jump to Hyperspace” – Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

May the 4th Be With You!

“Lightning Strike”

“Dining Room”

“Living Room”

“Florida Room”