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brown, ochre, orange, rising, sharp, splinter, stump, texture, trees, wood, wood grain
forced perspective, patina, Perfect 10, post, red, rust, rusted, rusty, stubs, stump, Stumped, stumps
blue, blue plate, Blue Plate Special, concrete, flake, flakey, flaking, flaky, forced perspective, peeling, post, stump, Stumped, wharf, wood, yellow
Dendrochronology, faces in places, growth rings, jagged, leaves, Mary Poppins, pattern, stump, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, texture, tree rings, tree stump, trees
bleached, blue sky, explore, exposed, get outside, hiking, Little Rouge River, power lines, river, roots, Rouge River, Rouge River Valley, Rouge Valley, stump, sun bleached, Toronto, tree roots, tree trunk, trees, trunk, Trunksploitation, Wild in the City, wooden starfish
Halloween, Happy Halloween, marked, Mud Creek, red, red mark, red stain, slash, slasher, Slasher Film, stain, stained, stump, texture, Toronto, trees
BC, British Columbia, chiaroscuro, dapple, dappled light, dappling, forest, Fraggle Rock, Fraggles, green, green space, Lighthouse Park, moss, old growth forest, park, shadows, stump, sunlight, travel, tree trunk, trees, trunk, Vancity, Vancouver, VanTrees, West Coast, West Van, West Vancouver
BC, British Columbia, chiaroscuro, dapple, dappled light, dappling, forest, green, green space, jagged, Lighthouse Park, old growth forest, park, shadows, splinter, splintered, stump, sunlight, travel, tree trunk, trees, trunk, Vancity, Vancouver, VanTrees, West Coast, West Van, West Vancouver