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behind-the-scenes, frames, green, grid, gridlines, grip, lighting, lines, mullions, net, photo shoot, scrim, shadows, Silverline Studios, The Frame Up, windows
A Pop of Colour, Asteraceae, Billy Balls, Billy Buttons, capture station, Craspedia, daisies, digital tech, drumstick daisies, flowers, LaCie, orange, Pycnosorus, Rugged Drives, setlife, Silverline Studios, woollyheads, yellow
behind-the-scenes, bounce, box, box out, Boxed Out, boxing out, boy in the box, frame, lighting, lighting assistant, Mathew Smith, Men in Black, observe, Paolo Cristante, photo assistant, photo shoot, profoto, scrim, silk, Silverline Studios, supervise, v-flats
4x8, c-stand, continuous lighting, digi op, digi tech, extension cord, Giants, HMI, hot lights, JokerBug, K5600, K5600 JokerBug, lighting, lighting assistant, Lighting Giants, neon yellow, photo assistant, red, setlife, shadows, Silverline Studios, stinger, tennis ball, v-flat
anthropomorphic, c-stand, diagonal, diffusion, grip, grip arm, impaled, neon, safety first, setlife, shadows, shock, silk, Silverline Studios, sunlight, surprise, tennis ball, The Horror, window light, wrinkled, yellow
diagonal, grid, Leslieville, metal, mullions, pattern, rhombus, setlife, shadows, Silverline Studios, Slant, slanted, stairs, steps, sunlight, Toronto, trapezoid, window, window light, window panes