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buildings, cladding, doppelgängers, lines, lineup, multiple shadows, shadows, shadowy figures, The Doppelgäng, vertical lines, walls
after dark, city lights, glow, here comes the nighttime, horizon, illuminating, illumination, light pollution, lights, night, nighttime, semicircle, shadowy figures
after dark, blur, blurred, blurry, Bokeh, cars, driving, glow, glowing orbs, headlights, here comes the nighttime, illuminating, illumination, lights, long line of cars, night, Night Raid, nighttime, orbs, pitch black, pitch dark, shadowy figures, vehicles
approval process, Arri, behind-the-scenes, Cinemagraphs, continuous light, figures, FOBA, Gary William Ogle, glowing rectangles, grip, HMI, illuminating, illumination, image review, indigo, LED, lighting, motion, Movie Magic, off-fig, product photography, setlife, shadows, shadowy figures, SkyPanel, studio stand, video