


“In the Fold”

“Silk Wrinkle Phoenix”

“Shadow Box”



“Photographing Black Cats Is Hard: Meow You See Me; Meow You Don’t”


Please welcome to the show our latest party animal (aka foster cat), Garth. He’s a big boy who’s surprisingly light on his feet. (They probably should have named him Farley after another SNL alum of similar comportment who was also a bit of a black sheep.) We’ve taken to calling with Girthy Garth and Baby Garth (doo doo, doo doo doo doo).

Garth is the first black cat we’ve fostered, so he’s also the first black cat I’ve had the chance to photograph extensively. The light absorbing qualities of Garth’s fur combined with the light tones of our house’s decor has proved to be too much for the iPhone’s exposure evaluation. Which means if I have to snap a quick shot to capture Garth before he moves I’ll have to apply a whack of exposure adjustment and shadow recovery after the fact—like I did with this shot, as you can see from the before and after.

“Low Post”

“Put On A Happy Face”

“Charlottetown Discovered”

Thank you Charlottetown and Prince Edward Island for a wonderful trip. Hope to see you in 2020.

“Progressive Courtyard”


“A Bunch of Sunshine”

“The Dog Day’s of Summer”

“White Party: Diagonally”

“Layered Shading”

“Shadows of Ourselves” – Francesco Perilli’s ‘Monument to Multiculturalism’, Union Station

“Grate Expectations”

“That’s a Stretch”

“Picket Fences”


“Window Shade”

“I’ve Grown Quite Frond of You”

“Spring Always Sprung”


“Game of Thrones Battle Lighting”


