“Sun Walk” – Photo crew returning to the studio after a test shot at Pinewood Film Studios, Toronto

A few weekends ago I had the pleasure of working with photographer Andrew Macpherson. Even if you don’t know the name you’ll definitely recognize his celebrity and music work – just take a look at his website http://www.macfly.com

Andrew was in town to shoot publicity stills of Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum for their upoming movie “The Vow”.

I captured this image on our pre-light day while the crew was walking back from a test shot. Andrew had hoped to take a few shots of Rachel and Channing outside but on the day of the shoot the weather was overcast and rainy. However, it wasn’t a total loss for Andrew as he did managed to grab a shot of a “sun dog”, an intriguing atmospheric phenomenon which he further describes on his blog at http://macfly.com/2010/10/sun-dog-in-toronto/

Location was Pinewood Studios. All equipment was provided by S1group.ca

“The Grid” – Little girl explores the garden centre, Kitchener-Waterloo

“Indian Summer” – Bike shadow on cobblestones, Liberty Market in Liberty Village, Toronto

What an unexpectedly beautiful day in Toronto. After work I headed to The Brazen Head Pub to meet up with my girlfriend and take in some of the Magenta Foundation’s Flash Forward Photography Festival taking place at 171 Liberty St in Liberty Village.

Along the way I stopped to snap this shot. You know winter is around the corner when the shadows are this long at 5:30 PM.

“Liberty, Art and Power” – @MagentaFDN Flash Forward photo art installation featuring @TobySmith_, Liberty Village, Toronto

“Disco Photographer” – Keith of FLOW Photo captures the venue BlackBerry Torch launch party Toronto

“The Dog Days of Summer” – Playing a round at Dentonia Park Golf Course, Toronto

Today’s round counts as two: first and (likely) last of the summer.

Cheers to Ben, Chris and Kurt for making it happen.

“Sidewalk Warp”

“Blank Slate” – Wine tasting journal and a freshly opened bottle

Several years ago my girlfriend and I began keeping a journal of all the wines we try.

It’s not very professional or scientific – it wouldn’t impress a sommelier, but I find it very rewarding to be able to look back on several years worth of bottles and the meals and experiences they were paired with.

A while back a read a statistic that said 95% of the wine sold by the LCBO is consumed within two hours of purchase. And, in my opinion, likely forgotten within three.

To me this is a fun way to remember.

“Over-shadowed” – Ornate lamp-shade adds ominous touch to idyllic landscape

“Brokeback Photoshoot” – #photo #cameraphone #iPhoneography #Toronto #Scarborough #bluffs


My boy Mike rocked the reflector while I rocked the cowboy hat.

“Remnant” – Outline of a demolished house stains a building wall on King West near Niagara St, Toronto

I always enjoy finding these ‘building stains.’ It’s as though the demolished structure has gotten the last laugh and is thumbing it’s nose at the progress which deemed it expendable.


“Let Me In” – Cat at sliding door ready to come inside

“Don’t Panic” – Graffiti artist quoting Douglas Adams in The Junction, Toronto

“Shadow Kitty” – A cat poses for her silhouette

“Lighting The Way” – External stairwell at an apartment complex, Leslieville, Toronto

“Let the Sun Shine In” – Unidentified bachelor pad, Toronto

“Walk softly and carry a big camera”

“House Of Lords”

“Afternoon Drinks” – Erin & Julian’s Backyard, Toronto

“Sunset Shoes” – @S1group Cove Studio, Toronto