Tag: shadows
Today’s round counts as two: first and (likely) last of the summer.
Cheers to Ben, Chris and Kurt for making it happen.
Several years ago my girlfriend and I began keeping a journal of all the wines we try.
It’s not very professional or scientific – it wouldn’t impress a sommelier, but I find it very rewarding to be able to look back on several years worth of bottles and the meals and experiences they were paired with.
A while back a read a statistic that said 95% of the wine sold by the LCBO is consumed within two hours of purchase. And, in my opinion, likely forgotten within three.
To me this is a fun way to remember.
My boy Mike rocked the reflector while I rocked the cowboy hat.
I always enjoy finding these ‘building stains.’ It’s as though the demolished structure has gotten the last laugh and is thumbing it’s nose at the progress which deemed it expendable.