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architecture, buildings, casino, Casino da Madeira, curved, curves, Funchal, glow, lines, Madeira, neon, neon glow, neon lights, nighttime, Portugal, red, ribs, travel
decoration, decorative, embellishments, Grate Expectations, grates, illuminating, illumination, iron, ironwork, light, linear, lines, lit from below, metal, patterned, patterns, ribbed, ribs, sculpture, shadows, stonework, under lighting, under lit
Eternal Flame, illuminating, illumination, lantern, light, linear, lines, orange, paper lantern, patterned, patterns, ribbed, ribs, yellow
architecture, atrium, Atrium on Bay, bannister, buildings, floors, glass, interiors, levels, lines, maze, office floors, offices, parallel lines, patterns, railing, rat race, reflections, ribbed, ribs, skylight
blue sky, church, condos, crumbled, demolished, demolished church, demolition, development, excavator, exposed, Exposed Navel, gentrification, girders, husk, Leslieville, nave, orange, ribs, rubble, rust, Salvation Army, skeleton, steeple