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architecture, brick veneer, brutalism, brutalist, brutalist architecture, Brutalist style, concrete, inversion therapy, inverted, inverted pyramid, look up, Maxwell Miller, pyramid, retrofit, Sears Canada, Toronto, Toronto Accommodation Plan, WZMH Architects
blue sky, chain link fence, chain-link, fencing, Gerrard, Gerrard Square, Gerrard Square Mall, Gerrones, glass pyramid, Jones, Lacklustre Louvre, mall, mutant mall, pyramid, The Louvre, The Pyramids of Gerrones, Toronto
architecture, billboards, black and white, buildings, geometric, graphic, pyramid, stairs, The Pyramids of Yonge and Dundas, Toronto, triangle, Yonge and Dundas
evaporation, needs more salt, Portugal, pyramid, Rio Maior, Salinas de Rio Maior, salt, salt evaporation pond, salt pan, salt pond, salt production, salt pyramid, salty, travel
architecture, consumerism, consumption, desire, mall, pyramid, roof, rooftop, shopping, skylight, Temple of Swoon, Toronto, windows, Yorkdale, Yorkdale Mall
Aga Khan Museum, glass, hi-viz, orange, pool, pool maintenance, pyramid, reflecting pool, Reflecting Pool Maintenance, reflections, shadows, Toronto, water, worker