“Blank Canvass”

“Succulent Starburst”

“Colour Checkered”

“Pink Slip”

“Tip of the Tongue”

“Rods and Cones”


“Sidewalk Pollock”

“Bitch Please”

“Your Table is Ready” – Alex Madonna’s Gold Rush Steak House, Madonna Inn, San Luis Obispo, California

“Shaggy” – Love Nest suite, Madonna Inn, San Luis Obispo, California

“Starbursts” – Madonna Inn, San Luis Obispo, California

“Location Luggage”


“Winter Flock”




“Holiday Hurly-Burly, No.3”

“Holiday Hurly-Burly, No.2”

“Holiday Hurly-Burly, No.1”


“Warm It Up”

“Put Me In, Coach”



“In Bloom”

“@Doors_OpenTO at Aperture Laboratories (aka the TTC’s Leslie Streetcar Barn)”

“The New Hotness”

“Reverse Oasis”

View the finished shoot here or here.

“Strollin’ “
