Bernard is our latest foster cat. He had a rough start in life. His previous owners claimed he was being aggressive so they kept him outside in a tiny crate for months. As a result he is slow to trust new people. But once he feels safe with you he will never leave your side. If you’re looking for an isolation buddy during the COVID-19 lockdown contact the Toronto Humane Society to inquire about adoption.
Yesterday Bourbon Street was adopted. We’re sad to see this big-eyed, big-pawed kitten with the big appetite go, but consider ourselves lucky to have been able to spend as much time with him as we did. (We’re amazed someone didn’t snatch him up sooner.) Sweet dreams, Bourbon Street!
Ladybug is the first cat we ever fostered. She came to us in May 2018 with a very funky haircut and serious intestinal issues. Now, ten months and lots of food trials later, her fur has grown back and she is on a grocery store bought, grain-free dry food that agrees with her. She is a wonderful cat who loves seeking out a lap to lie on in often head-scratchingly awkward poses. Ladybug is now officially available for adoption via the Toronto Human Society website: Animal ID No. 38227981
You can view more photos of Ladybug here.