“A Study in Brutality, N°3”

“A Study in Brutality, N°2”

“A Study in Brutality, N°1”

“Anyone Want a Cookie?”

“Chain Migration”



“Square Roots”

“Baffled” – Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre

“Diamond (Plate) Geezer”


“All Aboard! Room”

“Putting Up Bricks”

“A Touch of Yellow”

“Triple Stack”

“If Reverb Were a Light Fixture”

“Sunlight Source, N°3: Sunset Stencils”

“Sunlight Source, N°2: Slatternly Slats”

“Step Inside”

“Here Comes the Sun”

“Dusk to D’Awning”

“Currugation Nation”


“Screener, N°3: Fun with Moiré Edition”


“Making an Entrance: Door N°3” – Alte Kurpfälzische Kellerei, Bacharach, Germany

“Dynamic Inclusion”

“Rigid Conformity”

“Grater Toronto” – Ping-Pong table, Monarch Park

“In Triplicate”


“Future Windows”