“Sundown Ya Better Take Care”

“The Expanse”

“The Bar’s That-a-way”

“Another Brick in the Floor”

“Catching the Last Rays of a Dying Day”

“Cloudy with a Chance of Hops”

“Up-close and Blursonal”

“Tropical Split”

“Found Art: Rusty Splatters”

“Climbing Wall”

“Cheap Thrills”

“Going Up” – Elevador da Bica, Lisbon, Portugal

“At the Dogwash” – Praia da Ribeira, Cascais, Portugal

“Meeting of the Minds” – Fish Market, Cascais, Portugal


“Breakfast with Bob”


“Fake Plastic Steez”

“Gone Dutch”


“Say Cheese” – Members of the Cheese Carriers’ Guild using traditional cheese sleds to bring cheese to the cheese scales at the Alkmaar Cheese Market

“Light My Fire”

“When the Bow Breaks”

“Two Bags Full”


“Ride the Tiger”





“Ice Vine”