This is a time-lapse video of a car trip I made around the eastern half of Île de Montréal in December of 2009.
The music track is “Comme des Enfants” by Cœur de Pirate from her 2008 self-titled debut album. It and her recently released sophomore album “Blonde” are available on iTunes.
This video was shot with Canon 5D mark II using a 28mm f/1.8 lens and a MacGyvered/ghetto rig that involved my Induro tripod, Manfrotto head and using my laptop bag as a mounting weight. Here’s a picture of the setup:
A & O – Start and End points of the journey dominated by the large yellow house on the North-East corner of Gouin & Saint-Laurent
D – Gouin Est & 28e Av features a float-plane parking lot on the north side
F – Is the Rue Bureau Cul-de-Sac at the eastern tip of Montreal
J – Caserne Letourneux – a beautiful Frank Lloyd Wright-style building at the corner of Notre-Dame and Letourneux
K & L – Passing under the Jacques-Cartier Bridge and heading into the Ville-Marie Expressway Tunnel
N – Schwartz’s – home of the world’s greatest sandwich