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flight of stairs, lighting, lighting fixture, lights, look up, neon, neon lights, repetition, stairs, stairwell, Taking Flights
exit, exit sign, hallway, highlight, light my way, lighting, lighting fixture, lights, neon, neon lights, single point perspective
blocks, blocky, chiaroscuro, cubed, eggcrate, fixture, grid, light, lighting fixture, mirror, mirrored, monochromatic, patterns, pixelated, pixelation, pixels, repetition, squares, Through the Looking-Glass, To Infinity And Beyond
a study, black and white, corner, corners, details, fixture, hotel, hotel room, illuminating, light, lighting fixture, lines, macro, patches, Patchwork, patterns, photo study, plastic, ribbed, shadows, squares, texture, Texture Study, undulating, uneven, wall
circle, holiday shopping, light bulb, light patterns, light play, lighting, lighting fixture, look up, parking garage, patterns, shadows, shapes, snowflake, spokes