“Popping Veins”



“Serrated Greenery”

“Runoff and Vine”


“Be Leaf In Yourself: Ballsy”

“Be Leaf In Yourself: Mini Mothra”

“Be Leaf In Yourself: Backlit Beauty”

“Through the Cracks, N°3”

“Through the Cracks, N°2”

“Through the Cracks, N°1”

“Puffed-Up Peony”

“Cocksure Coreopsis”

“Loose-Lipped Tulip”

“Hosta La Vista, Baby”

“Window Shade”

“I’ve Grown Quite Frond of You”

“A Little Dapple’ll Do Ya”

“Black Holes Aren’t the Only Objects That Can Bend the Fabric of Space-Time”

“Downward Spiral”

“Sundown Ya Better Take Care”

“Vegan Windshield Wipers”

“Shady Lane”

“Vacant Concierge”

“It’s a Jungle Out There”

Set designer Caitlin Doherty works while surrounded by the paper leaves she created for a recent shoot.

“Tropical Split”

“To The Fallen”



“Under Palmer”