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behind-the-scenes, bts, deep thoughts, event tent, hurry-up-and-wait, photo shoot, photography, pop tart, pop-up tent, setlife, tent
behind-the-scenes, black, blackout, bts, Didi, duo, Estragon, Gogo, grip, head-to-head, hurry-up-and-wait, lighting, negative fill, pair, photo shoot, photography, Samuel Beckett, setlife, solid, tete-a-tete, Vladimir, Waiting for Godot
band name, band that does not exist, between shots, digital capture, digital tech, glow, hurry-up-and-wait, illuminated, keep warm, lit, on location, photo assistant, red, setlife, space heaters, stay warm, The Heaters, trio, warm, warming up, warmth
apple, between shots, cellphone, commercial, digital capture, digital tech, filmmaking, glow, hurry-up-and-wait, illuminated, laptop, lit, mobile phone, monitor, motion, photo assistant, Samsung, screen glow, Screen Time, screens, self-illumination, setlife, stills, under lit, video village
behind-the-scenes, between shots, black, black and gold, California Sunbounce, gold, golden, hurry-up-and-wait, photo shoot, photo team, reflector, setlife, sunbounce
blend-in, blending-in, boardroom, boardroom camouflage, bored, Boredroom Camouflage, camouflage, camouflaged, corner office, downtown, dusk, Eaton's Centre, golden hour, hurry-up-and-wait, my reflection, office, office building, office tower, on location, reflections, self-portrait, selfie, setlife, sunlight, sunset, Toronto, waiting, windows
applebox, applebox throne, blocking, blue, hurry-up-and-wait, pink, set building, setlife, soundstage, standing-by, throne, yellow