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behind-the-scenes, black, blackout, bts, Didi, duo, Estragon, Gogo, grip, head-to-head, hurry-up-and-wait, lighting, negative fill, pair, photo shoot, photography, Samuel Beckett, setlife, solid, tete-a-tete, Vladimir, Waiting for Godot
adopt, adopt don't shop, aloof, Baby Garth, backlit, blackcat, blackcats, bookends, Bubba Black Sheep, cats, flare, flip-flop, foster, foster cats, fostering, Garth, Garth The Foster Cat, Garth Vader, Girthy Garth, hard-nosed, head-to-head, no filter, No’s-To-Nose, nose-to-nose, Party On Garth, shadows, sunlight, Toronto Humane Society, Ying-Yang