“Poppins Trap”

“Danger is My First Name”

“Cars of Funchal”

“Breakwater Views”

“Swan’s Neck Agave”




“Bush League”

“Throwin’ Shade”

“Oh Buoy!”


“Stumped: Yellow Cake”

“Bottom’s Up” – Maisons de Bouteilles (Bottle Houses), Prince Edward Island

“Green Legs and Hamming It Up For The Camera”

“Serrated Greenery”

“Red Green and Dusty”

“Window Dressing: Green Meanies”

“Runoff and Vine”

“It Ain’t Easy Being Green” – WWE Summer Slam green screen set



“Be Leaf In Yourself: Ballsy”

“Be Leaf In Yourself: Mini Mothra”

“Be Leaf In Yourself: Backlit Beauty”

“Through the Cracks, N°3”

“Through the Cracks, N°2”

“Through the Cracks, N°1”

“Puffed-Up Peony”

“Cocksure Coreopsis”

“Loose-Lipped Tulip”