“Cleaning Crew, No.1: Fight The Power”



“Reflected Glory” – Roger Williams National Memorial, Providence, RI

“Right This Way” – Tasting room at By Chadsey’s Cairns Winery

“Big Wine County”

“Cubist Landscape”

“Setting Sun”




“Tea Time”

“The Emerald Tile”

“Unexpected Art: Oil On Wood Skate” – @CTV_Television Staging Department, Toronto

“Put Me In, Coach”

“London Warning Signs, No. 1”





“Finger Painting with Light”

“Chasing Waterfalls”



“In Bloom”

“I Think It’s This Way” – Getting lost in the Hampton Court Palace Maze with @Diana_Carreiro

I took a video of the whole adventure, which I can safely say is the second most famous timelapse film in which Diana Carreiro has been featured. (Here is her MOST famous one.)

“Taking the Regent’s Canal to Camden Town”

“This Side Out”

“Sliced, #2”

