
“Jellyfish Cat”


“The Calling”

“Paws to Reflect”

“Cats-Eye Prism”

“BSMG’s Latest Album ‘The New Cuteness’ Drops Today”

Meet our latest arrivals, Bourbon Street and Mardi Gras. These two party kitties may look ready to drop the hottest album of the Summer, but they are quite shy and have come to us for socialization to human interaction. It’s early days but they are slowly starting to warm-up to having us hang around their jam sessions.

“I Hate Being Stuck At This Desk Job When It’s So Nice Outside”

“I Have Been and Always Shall Be Your Friend…Now Take This Cone Off and Let Me Outside”

“Spider-Cat, Spider-Cat, Does Wha…’er…Whatever This Is”

“Chef Boy-Roby”

“Sock It To Me”

“Stair Master”

Introducing our latest arrival, Roby. Roby, aka Rocket Roby, aka Wreck It Roby, is in foster after undergoing a tail amputation—hence the stylish plastic cone. He’s quite the departure from all our previous foster cats. He is a non-stop ball of energy and a real bull in a china shop. We’ve had to hide all our breakables and have started the process of acclimatizing him to his new, much shorter tail—which he tends to attack.

“Air Jordan by Snooker”

I am very pleased to announce that Snooker has been adopted. Diana and I are sad to see him go—and will miss his extremely loud purring, feeding time head butts and toothless love bites—but are very glad that this old feral has found a furever home.

“Surely You Jest”

“Oh, Hi There”

“These Eyes”

“Cat Mind Games: A Play in Four Acts”

Ladybug: Snooker’s staring at me again, isn’t he? Listen bubba, I’ve had just about enou…

Snooker: Girl, I have no idea what you’re on about.

Ladybug: …

Snooker: …

Ladybug: FML

“You Had My Curiosity, But Now You Have My Attention”

“What Immortal Hand or Eye, Could Frame Thy Fearful Symmetry?”

“Burning Bright, In the Forests of the Night”

“They’re Right Behind Me, Aren’t They?”

“Open Up and Say Ahhhhh”


“Bright Spot”

“Fuzzy Sphinx”

Ladybug is the first cat we ever fostered. She came to us in May 2018 with a very funky haircut and serious intestinal issues. Now, ten months and lots of food trials later, her fur has grown back and she is on a grocery store bought, grain-free dry food that agrees with her. She is a wonderful cat who loves seeking out a lap to lie on in often head-scratchingly awkward poses. Ladybug is now officially available for adoption via the Toronto Human Society website: Animal ID No. 38227981

You can view more photos of Ladybug here.

“Two-Headed Sphinx”


Snooker (a.k.a. Bubba a.k.a. Snookerdoodle a.k.a. Bubbaganoush) has progressed by leaps and bounds since the last photo of him I posted. In just over three months, this former feral has gone from being scared by most human interaction—only allowing himself to be pet via a soft duster on a long pole—to sleeping with us most of the night and even jumping up of the couch to curl-up between us while watching tv. A few more months and this toothless wonder might even turn into a lap cat.



“Gone Fishing”

“That Reach, Tho”