“Cocksure Coreopsis”

“Loose-Lipped Tulip”

“Spring Always Sprung”

“Flowers sans Colours, N°3”

“Flowers sans Colours, N°2”

“Flowers sans Colours, N°1”

“Smelly Feet”


“Take-off, eh?”

Farewell Netherlands, it’s been a slice!

“4th Anniversary v2: Tiptoeing Through (In Tandem)”

Our last day in The Netherlands and Diana Carreiro and I finally found the tulip fields.

“Light My Fire”

“The Thin Red Line…of Tulips”

“Petal Power”

“Here and Gone”

“Blue Velvet”

“Gutter Flowers” – Ponta do Sol, Madeira, Portugal

“Going Back To Cali, No.3”

“Arch Rivals, No.1”

“Tip of the Tongue”

“Rods and Cones”



“The Drop”

“Pop of Colour” – United Church, Merrickville, Ontario

“Tea Time”





“In Bloom”

“In Bloom”