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bathroom, chair, changing station, changing table, gold, patterns, textures, toilet, velvet, washroom, WC
calçadas, chair, dapple, dappling, Funchal, leaves, look down, Madeira, patio, patio chairs, Portugal, Portuguese pavement, shadows, slicer, strings, yellow
Atlantic Ocean, beach, chair, clouds, dusk, golden hour, horizon, lone figure, Madeira, magic hour, Monobloc, Monobloc Chair, Monobloc Plastic Chair, ocean, plastic chair, Portugal, Ribeira Brava, sunset, travel, waterfront, yellow
70s, basement, chair, dirt mound, Dirt Throne, discarded, excavation, golden brown, incongruous, modern, modernist chair, mustard, yellow
Adirondack Chair, astroturf, chair, fake plastic trees, green, green and orange, juxtaposition, Muskoka Chair, orange, orange and green, overhead, Radiohead
Adirondack Chair, Bottoms-Up, chair, deck chair, Evergreen Brickworks, flotsam, Muskoka Chair, nature preserve, nature walk, pond, red, reflections, silt, submerged, summer, Summer's Here, Toronto, tossed, trees, upended, vandalism, water, wetland