I took this photo on a trip to PEI last September. As soon as I snapped it, I knew it would be my 2020 Canada Day post for The Daily Mobile. Little did I know just how appropriate it would be to represent the lived reality of this year.
Like the rest of the world, it’s been a difficult six months for Canada and Canadians. The pandemic has battered our physical, mental and economic health, and horrific incidents of police brutality have forced us to confront the difficult issues of systemic racism and the historical injustices suffered by Indigenous, Black and People of Colour that have scarred our nation’s history.
Canada is by no means perfect, and there is much work to be done to improve this country for everyone who lives here. But it is a country that I love and it is the country that I am fortunate to call home.
Happy Canada Day 🇨🇦
This is a time-lapse video of a car trip I made around the eastern half of Île de Montréal in December of 2009.
The music track is “Comme des Enfants” by Cœur de Pirate from her 2008 self-titled debut album. It and her recently released sophomore album “Blonde” are available on iTunes.
This video was shot with Canon 5D mark II using a 28mm f/1.8 lens and a MacGyvered/ghetto rig that involved my Induro tripod, Manfrotto head and using my laptop bag as a mounting weight. Here’s a picture of the setup:
A & O – Start and End points of the journey dominated by the large yellow house on the North-East corner of Gouin & Saint-Laurent
D – Gouin Est & 28e Av features a float-plane parking lot on the north side
F – Is the Rue Bureau Cul-de-Sac at the eastern tip of Montreal
J – Caserne Letourneux – a beautiful Frank Lloyd Wright-style building at the corner of Notre-Dame and Letourneux
K & L – Passing under the Jacques-Cartier Bridge and heading into the Ville-Marie Expressway Tunnel
N – Schwartz’s – home of the world’s greatest sandwich