“When There’s Nothing On…” Post date August 13, 2023 © EricBrazier.com Tags adopt, adopt don't shop, anthropomorphic, bored, cats, controller, foster, foster cats, fostering, remote, remote control, ths, Toronto Humane Society, TV remote, Willow, Willow Cat
“Profiles in Discourage, Vol. 3: Floored” Post date July 10, 2020 Tags adopt, adopt don't shop, black and white, bored, Buffy, Buffy The Foster Cat, can’t even, cats, discouraged, disinterested, floor, floored, foster, foster cats, fostering, on the floor, Profiles in Discourage, tired, Toronto Humane Society, tuxedo cat, tuxie, tuxies, underwhelmed
“Profiles in Discourage, Vol. 2: Under the Table and Reeling” Post date July 9, 2020 Tags adopt, adopt don't shop, black and white, bored, Buffy, Buffy The Foster Cat, can’t even, cats, discouraged, disinterested, foster, foster cats, fostering, Profiles in Discourage, tired, Toronto Humane Society, tuxedo cat, tuxie, tuxies, Under the Table and Reeling, underwhelmed
“Profiles in Discourage, Vol. 1: Have a Seat (If You Must)” Post date July 8, 2020 Tags adopt, adopt don't shop, bored, Buffy, Buffy The Foster Cat, can’t even, cats, chairs, discouraged, disinterested, foster, foster cats, fostering, Have A Seat, paws, Profiles in Discourage, tired, Toronto Humane Society, tuxedo cat, tuxie, tuxies, underwhelmed
“Boredroom Camouflage” Post date December 9, 2017 Tags blend-in, blending-in, boardroom, boardroom camouflage, bored, Boredroom Camouflage, camouflage, camouflaged, corner office, downtown, dusk, Eaton's Centre, golden hour, hurry-up-and-wait, my reflection, office, office building, office tower, on location, reflections, self-portrait, selfie, setlife, sunlight, sunset, Toronto, waiting, windows
“Leave. Me. Alone!” – Kitty unimpressed by creeping photographer Post date October 8, 2010 I love the back-light in this shot. It managed to be captured in the middle of my iphone’s camera adjusting for exposing for the window and foreground. Tags anthropromorphic, bored, cats, Foo, iphoneography, pets, unimpressed
“Art Un-Appreciation” – Young boy at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto Post date May 17, 2010 Tags ago, art, artgalleryofontario, bored, cameraphone, child, funny, moment