Throwback to a crowded Junction Cove studio during Saty+Pratha’s shoot for Sephora Canada’s #WithSephora Campaign
(You can catch glimpses of me at my laptop in the videos on Sephora’s YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/jyieKJv0i8Y?t=0m31s)
As the snow outside begins to recede magazine racks, print ads and the web start revealing the jobs we shot in the depths of winter.
This spring has been a particularly bountiful season for me with Max Abadian’s Flare cover featuring Charlotte Free, John van der Schilden’s beauty campaign for Quo Cosmetics and Malina Corpadean’s work on Tip Top Tailors all making an appearance.
Arrow Tool: The Forgotten Cursor
Capture One is a huge complex program that often has multiple ways to achieve the same result. Most of us (myself included) usually figure out one way to do what we want to do and then stop looking for others. A perfect example of this is the Arrow Tool.
I had never given the Arrow Tool much attention. I always thought it was less useful version of the Hand Tool. That was before I saw a photographer use it to edit selects.
When using the Arrow Tool you can Command (⌘)-Click on an image to deselect and remove it from Multi View directly in the Viewer Window. If you are using the Hand Tool you can only do this by locating and Command (⌘)-Clicking the image’s corresponding thumbnail in the Browser Window.
This greatly speeds up the editing process by enabling non-selects to be dropped from view much more quickly.
The keyboard shortcut to activate the Arrow Tool is “v”.