“Evil Eye”


“Balancing Gold Bars”

“Cold As Cluck”

“Under a Blood Red Moon”

“The First Thing I Noticed About Her Was Her Eyes”

“Gone Fishing”

“Reflecting on Past Adventures”

“Cloudy with a Chance of Hops”


“Broken Wings”

“Up-close and Blursonal”

“Tropical Split”


“Cracked-Bottom Pearls“

“Reflection Jenga”

“Brushed Ice”

“That Reach, Tho”

“Fur On Fleece”

“Cutie Mane”

“Winter’s Night N°3”

“Winter’s Night N°2”

“Winter’s Night N°1”

“New Year’s Hangups”

“Santa’s Elves by Club Monaco”

“Baller’s New Year’s”

“Fully Charged”

“Merry & Bright”

“Like A Hurricane”

“Why So Serious?”

Snooker is our latest foster. Originally a feral cat, he was part of a colony but had to be brought to the Human Society for dental issues that ultimately resulted in a full extraction of all his teeth. Without teeth for hunting and defence, he could not be safely released back into the feral colony.

He’s now with us making great progress towards full domestication. His lack of teeth often causes his tongue to stick out as well as giving him a bit of a Heath Ledger Joker-like grin. He’s also built like a bulldog with big shoulders, stumpy front legs and a wide stance.

We’ve taken to calling him Bubba.

“Holiday Grinch”