“It’s a Jungle Out There”

Set designer Caitlin Doherty works while surrounded by the paper leaves she created for a recent shoot.




It was no Polar Vortex, but this overnight shoot with Chris Nicholls on a parking garage rooftop in September for Canada Goose was pretty chilly, too.

“Let The Sunshine In”

“Frosted Tips”

“Made It Snow, Made It Snow, Made It Snow”

Throwback to making it snow in May for Sorel boots.

“Catching the Last Rays of a Dying Day”


“Have A Seat”

“Column of Light”

“Evil Eye”


“Balancing Gold Bars”

“Cold As Cluck”

“Under a Blood Red Moon”

“The First Thing I Noticed About Her Was Her Eyes”

“Gone Fishing”

“Reflecting on Past Adventures”

“Cloudy with a Chance of Hops”


“Broken Wings”

“Up-close and Blursonal”

“Tropical Split”


“Cracked-Bottom Pearls“

“Reflection Jenga”

“Brushed Ice”

“That Reach, Tho”

“Fur On Fleece”

“Cutie Mane”