

“Hang Time”

“Together on the Sand: You Are My Sunshade Edition”

“Together on the Sand”

“Escher-entric Staircase”


“Hang 5”



“Parrot on a Stick”

On the drive to Corcovado National Park our guide from Ficus Tours, Jenkins, pointed out an adult and adolescent Caracara (a type of falcon) perched on a roadside fence. As we slowly drove past I snapped photos, all the while hearing a loud cawing sound that didn’t appear to be coming from either of the birds on the fence. That’s when I noticed a rustling in the grass at the bottom of the fence and saw a second adult Caracara looming with lethal intent over a grounded parrot.

To our great relief, Jenkins said we should intervene since this was a highly unusual situation, and not a very ‘natural’ one since it was taking place at the edge of a farm field rather than the nature preserve.

The Caracaras flew away as we approached. Jenkins managed to coax the parrot onto a stick and transfer it to safe perch across the road in a tree on the edge of a dense forest filled with the calls of other parrots.

“Black Holes Aren’t the Only Objects That Can Bend the Fabric of Space-Time”

“Downward Spiral”

“Laundry Day”

“Sundown Ya Better Take Care”

“Drifting Through Life”

“Paradise Lost…and Found”


“Double Rainbow”

“Red Roofs Are IN in Costa Rica”

“Closing Time”

“Making the Trench Run”

“Forklift Tracks”

“The Expanse”

“Idea Protector”

“Little Boy Blue”

“Bubble Boy”

“Photographers Doing CrossFit”

“April Fool’s”

“These Eyes”

“Cat Mind Games: A Play in Four Acts”

Ladybug: Snooker’s staring at me again, isn’t he? Listen bubba, I’ve had just about enou…

Snooker: Girl, I have no idea what you’re on about.

Ladybug: …

Snooker: …

Ladybug: FML