


“The Reclaimers” – Trees grow in front of long dormant coke ovens, Völklingen Ironworks, Germany

“Wall of Pound” – Detail of massive compressed air generating piston turbine (or ‘blower’), Völklingen Ironworks, Germany

“The New Normal”

“Future Windows”

“The Way”

“Off Da Hook”

“Star Gate”


“Fleeing The Curve”

“Crash Cart”

“PPEace Out”

“Game Recognizes Game” – Black and White but NOT Black and White

“Armrest Rest”

“All Dolled-Up and Nowhere To Go”

“Curb Your Dog Enthusiasm – Level 3”

“Curb Your Dog Enthusiasm – Level 2”

“Curb Your Dog Enthusiasm – Level 1”

“What a Bunch of Kräuterseitlinge”

“Popping Veins”

“Happy Easter”

“Sunrise Bay”

“Balancing Act”

“Lake Ontario Abacus”




“Got Comfy?”

“Go Ahead; Make My Day”