“Diamond (Plate) Geezer”

“Frostbitten Jar Jar Binks”

“Fortress of Solitude”

“Do You Have To Watch Me Sleep?”

“Pillow Fort (Surviving the First Snowfall of the Year)”

Our foster cat, Mischief, is less than thrilled about the colder weather’s arrival this weekend.

“Lotus Glower (We Have Liftoff)”

Our foster kitten, Lotus, was recently adopted. Though we are sad to lose his never-ending repertoire of cute antics from our daily routine, we are happy that he’s now brightening-up lives in a forever home.

“Halloween Double Trouble”

“I Only Needed One”

“Put Your Foot Down”


“Then She Bit Me”

“Prop Stylist Droppings”

“Sixteen Mile Creek Bridge, N°3”

“Sixteen Mile Creek Bridge, N°2”

“Sixteen Mile Creek Bridge, N°1”

“Art Director Tracks III: The Smudgenning”

“WTF?!?!” – PEI Photo Lab, Charlottetown

Saw this sign last year while visiting Charlottetown. Not sure why you would have your model lean over a motorcycle’s handlebars from in front of the bike. It looks pretty awkward and it definitely can’t be comfortable.

“Tied-up in Knots”




“Deep in the Valley”

“Country Roads, 2020”

“Better Half”

“Warm Fuzzies”

“Monday Mash-up”

“It’s Been a Looooooong Weekend”



“An Abundance Of”

“All Aboard! Room”