“Three Little Birds”


“The Patterns Under the Stairs”

“World Wire Web”

“Boarding the Late Bus”

“Protest or Poorly Packed?”

“Jesus Walks…the Lower Don Recreational Trail”

“Unnatural Habitat”

“Almost Nightshade”

“Sunset Stemware”

“Fat Man with Button Nose and Prominent Nipples”

“Intimidating Imitation”

“The Constant Gardiner”


“Full of Sh*t” – Garbage can outside a King West condo building

“The Sacking of The Ottoman Empire”

“Checkered Pass”

“Trouble with the Curve”

“Morning Stretches”

“Come Join Us”

“Pawsturing: Higher Calling”

“Pawsturing: Manfrotto-bomb”

“Pawsturing: Shelf-Life”

“A Siege of Cranes”

“Neighbourly Narrows”

“Dans le Sillon”

“Dangerous Knowledge: File Under ‘X’ for Denied”

“Dangerous Knowledge: Red Scare”

“Dangerous Knowledge: Periodic Unstables”

“The Sunken Hexes”

“The Buoys”