“Over The Top”


“Forward March”

“Twinning: Power Couple”

“Twinning: Do You Even Lift, Bro?”

“Twinning: Social Climbers”

“Ballsy, N°3”

“Ballsy, N°2”

“Ballsy, N°1”

“Rally ‘Round The Flags”



“Picturing Contest” – Deciding who took the best smartphone photo of the same subject

“It Takes A Village”

“Arf Director”

“Pick A Lane”


“This Way, Kit”

“There Is a Crack in Everything”

“Peeping Tomcat”


“Step 1: ‘Acquire Shopping Bags’ | Step 2: ‘…’ | Step 3: ‘Profit!’ ”


“In Riveting Detail”

“Branded Cities”

“Run It Up”

“Red Roost”

“Frosted Tips, N°3”

“Frosted Tips, N°2”

“Frosted Tips, N°1”

“Conspicuous Solicitation (Unable to avert my eyes while walking through the Red Light District of Miami)”