“Put It In ‘H’”

“Who Watches The Watcher”

“Stiff Little Fingers”

“This Must Not, Not Be The Place”

“Privacy Extension”

“It’s A Matter of (Single-Point) Perspective”


“It Was All a Blur: Stoplights”

“It Was All a Blur: Birch, Please”

“It Was All a Blur: Inner Sanctum”

“Bush League”

“Against the Grain”

“The Nose Knows”

“Before & After”

“Depth of Feel”

“Western Alienation”

“Gridlove: A Series of Tubes”

“Gridlove: Bikeshare the Wealth”

“Gridlove: Heart-A-Tacky”

“Crumple Zone: Tempered, Tempered”

“Crumple Zone: Crown Boldness”

“Crumple Zone: Translight Express”

“Nice Cap”

“Made to Measure”

“Bianco e Rosso To Go”

“Sk8er Boîtes”

“Sorry Shelf”

“Purple Parking-Meter Eater”

“Panel, N°3: Branching Out”

“Panel, N°2: Back to the Wheel-Well”

“Panel, N°1: Hindquarters”