To prevent Biscuit from re-injuring her leg while it heals, we have to keep her in a sanctuary room without anything she could climb-up on and then jump down from. We installed a baby gate so we didn’t have to keep the door closed and she can keep a keen watch on the comings and goings.

Introducing our latest foster cat, Biscuit.
Biscuit is a big cat. She weighed over 20 lbs. when she was brought to the Toronto Humane Society with a severely fractured front leg. The amazing vets at THS have installed hardware that they hope will allow the bone to heal and avoid having to amputate Biscuit’s leg.
Regardless, she needs to lose some weight, both for her overall health (10 lbs. is generally considered a healthy weight for cats) and also to relive the stress on her leg bones. It’s slow going because it’s hard to burn calories when it’s difficult to move around. But we’re making progress. In the almost two months we’ve had her, Biscuit has lost 2.5 lbs. and she is beginning to put more weigh on her injured leg.
The road to recovery is long, but Biscuit is a bright-eyed, loving kitty that will eventually need an adopter that’s willing to help her continue that journey.
If you are interested in adopting Biscuit please contact the Toronto Humane Society.

In case you don’t remember: