“Going Down” – Toronto skyline at dusk as seen from the Frank Gehry staircase at the Art Gallery of Ontario

This image is the first iPhone photo I have ever posted to The Daily Mobile. Up to this point all the images on this blog (older,
non-Posterous posts can be viewed at http://twitpic.com/photos/TheDailyMobile ) were taken with a Nokia 6265i.

I think Nokia makes great handsets. My 6265i was a great handset – until it died. But, it got fixed and it was still a great handset. Then it died again; this time for good.

Apparently this was a common problem with the model, which was somewhat of an unwanted step-child for Nokia.

Nokia had long ago decided that GSM was the way of the future and CDMA would eventually die out. To that end, they essentially stopped making CDMA handsets. However, the size of the CDMA market in North America – particularly in Canada where number portability was not yet a reality, caused them to keep getting pulled back in. Albeit, with only half of their R&D ass in tow. Hence the 6265i: a handset with all the awesome
features of a regular Nokia product but with none of the stability or support.

It was my sheer love of the Nokia interface and features that made me revive the damn thing once and desperately attempt to do so a second time. Ultimately, it was not to be.

With my (finally) portable number, and the bright lights of the
smartphone world beckoning, I decided to take the plunge and get an iPhone.

Many months had passed between my Nokia dying and getting my iPhone, yet interestingly enough the dates almost perfectly coincided with two separate visits to the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO).

So it is that The Daily Mobile climbed Frank Gehry’s stairs with Nokia and descends them with Apple.

This will not be the last time an image from my 6265i will be posted here but for the most part from now on The Daily Mobile has joined the ranks of the iPhonographer army.


“Art Un-Appreciation” – Young boy at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto

“Between Landmarks” – A couple gazes at the CN Tower from the AGO, Toronto

I’ve got one word for you: synergy

“Addition” – Art Gallery of Ontario staircase, Toronto

I am a big fan of the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) rennovation. I was lucky enough to be a photoshoot before this staircase was officially opened and i was amazed at how it seem to keep going up forever!

“What’s the Return Policy on This Item?” – Shopping cart kid at the Zellers checkout, Gerrard Square, Toronto

“Overshadowed” – Shadow from a bike tree cluster at Yonge-Dundas Square, Toronto

“Lo – Rye – Duh” – Yonge-Dundas Square, Toronto

Despite the naysayers Yonge & Dundas Square has become a vibrant part of the Toronto cityscape. Some may deride it for its massive billboards and say it’s trying (unsuccessfully) to be Times Square, but regardless people still flock there. All kinds of people.

“Making A Connection” – Jury-rigged cable box at the Lord Dufferin Apartments, Toronto


The Lord Dufferin Apartments is an unsightly building at the western border of the recently minted and continually expanding Liberty Village.

Its decaying and junk-strewen balcony fa??ade dominates the skyline – I am sure much to the chagrin of the village’s residents and condo developers.

One day while exploring the building’s perimeter I came across this cable box. It looks like something out of a third-world country and it’s obvious that Rogers long-ago gave up any hope of controlling this rampant signal stealing.

Here’s to DIY ingenuity!

“He Don’t Live Here No More” – Lord Dufferin Apartments, Liberty Village, Toronto

“ROCK ON, tiger!” – Lost glove’s new home on a sewer grate, Toronto

This couldn’t have presented itself better if I’d staged it. Everything works: The cougarific tiger print glove that has come to rest in the rock ‘n’ roll horns gesture; the repeating of the glove pattern in the pattern of the storm sewer grate; and, finally the fact that the colour of the collected debris matches the glove’s caramel brown-yellow. This is the type of tableaux that makes me do double- takes when walking down the street.

Now if only I could meet and photograph the person who lost this glove in the first place.

“Hi” – Anthropromorphized tree, Toronto

I always love it when people show-off their sense of humour. It would be interesting to know if the eyes and mouth were there before the tree lost its limbs or if they were added after as a sort of memorial.

“Not Just Another Brick In The Wall” – Close-up of a wall mural in Toronto

I love graffiti – especially when you get up close and have the rich colours combined with the texture of the brick. Even if I may not be crazy about the tag or the content of the artwork I usually love the colours.

“Reach For The Sky” – Diseased-looking trees on Commissioners Street, Toronto

“Do You Know Where The Power Lies?” – Commissioners Street powerlines, Toronto

“Playoff Spirit” – Hockey stick as clean-up tool on a Toronto garbage truck

“Just the Essentials” – Front cupboard, Parents’ House, Lagoon City

“Wasp PhotoBomb”

“Back-door Bullet-hole” – ExcaliBAR, Toronto

“Touch of Yellow 3” – Do not cross this line in the ExcaliBAR parking lot

“Touch of Yellow 2” – Abandoned chair, Highfield Road, Toronto

“Touch of Yellow 1” – Peeking hydrant

“Go Towards The Light”

“Otis” – 70’s era elevator in Toronto

“Crap-mobile” – Poor artistic rendering of Fred Flintstone’s automobile

“Let Me Out” – Cat at sliding door wanting to go outside

“Let Me In” – Cat at sliding door ready to come inside

“Give ‘Er” – Young cyclist attempts to keep up with the cars, Queen’s Quay, Toronto

“More Power” – Wind turbine at Exhibition Place, Toronto

“Staring Contest” – A couple entranced by the defunct grain silos at the bottom of Bathurst Street, Toronto

“Don’t Panic” – Graffiti artist quoting Douglas Adams in The Junction, Toronto

“Angel Wing” – Random act of art in The Junction, Toronto