“That Ain’t Right” – Questionable Easter chocolate packaging choices


And if you thought these were inappropriate just check out the current Cadbury Creme Egg “Champagne” TV spot:

“Standing Guard”


“This Area Is Monitored By Security Cameras…and JESUS” – Giftshop at Chathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe, Dallas, Texas


“Somebody Put Baby In A Corner”


The Loads Are Longer in Texas


“The A/C Is On High”


“Hi” – Box of Wormies at Wildseed Farms, Fredericksburg, Texas


If you're ever in Texas Hill Country check out Wildseed Farms, it's the only garden centre I've ever visited that serves beer: Win-win!

“That’s Why He Was Following So Close”


“Feedback Loop” – Escher-like freeway overpasses in Texas


This in a continuation of my fascination with Texas overpasses which began with “Crossing Over” – Overpasses near the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, which I posted last August.

“They’re Spinnin’…! They’re Spinnin’!” @rimsforcars


These are the most ridiculous rims I have ever seen in my life. And, this was the SECOND pair I saw while in Texas. Apparently some people like to base their car fashion on Roman chariots.

“Don’t Try Running From This Meter Maid”


“Hey, I’m A Sitting Stereotype!” – Man in a wifebeater relaxes in a Dallas Starbucks


“Old & New” – Mustangs on a trailer in Texas


“Take A Load Off” – Rocking chairs at Charlotte Airport, NC


He’s Conflicted


“Glass-On-Glass Action” – Stained glass window reflected in a wine glass at Verses Restaurant, Kitchener-Waterloo


“Gushing” – Water spews from cargo ship unloading at Redpath Sugar (@actsofsweetness), Toronto


“Open Up!” – It’s BBQ time in Toronto


“Almost Caught a Rising Star!” – Check the shades at the extreme left of the frame


“How Much Is That Doggy in the Volvo?”


“Somebody Didn’t Get The Message” – Trash bags piled on a sidewalk

“Springtime and The Reflectors Are In Bloom” – Crew member tries-out her new @Lastolite reflector


“Not Cool” – This is NOT how one leaves a public toilet after use


“Kickin’ It Analog” – My verison of the Tiny Planet Photos’ effect by @infodingapps created using a silver tube


There’s been a number of posts and tweets about the new Tiny Planet Photos app by InfoDing (note: their official site is one of the most interesting ‘coming soon’ placeholders I’ve ever seen).

I haven’t had a chance to play with the app myself but the screenshots immediately reminded me of some shots I took on my Nokia 6265i way back in May of 2007 – over a month before the first iPhone launched on June 29th, 2007! (Do you remember life before the iPhone?)

I was assisting on a location photo shoot and we had to assemble a metal table – the type you’d see at European sidewalk cafés. While  goofing-off  working dilligently, I noticed that the interior surface of the table’s centre column was highly reflective. Fascinated by my newfound discovery I immedately began snapping pix of flowers and co-workers.

Obviously, these shots are more simplistic than some of the cool effects and controls it appears you can have with Tiny Planet. However, it is interesting to consider even an effect as ‘digital’ and ‘otherworldly’ as the one provided by this app still has a corollary in the analog realm.

“Just A Little Touch-Up” – Makeup artists Anna Nenoiu (represented by @P1Magency) applies lipstick for a fashion shoot in Toronto


“Zippy Flyer” – Homemade camper a testament to DYI ingenuity


“Lonely Latt??” – View of Queen East from @mercuryespresso, Toronto


Mercury Espresso Bar just recently celebrated their 5th Anniversary.

I hadn’t been in for a while and was very pleased to see they’d renovated since my last visit. The new layout moved the coffee counter to the back of the space opposite the large storefront windows which are now freed-up for individual seating.

Though, if you do plan on staying to enjoy your beverage you best have a musical appreciation for mid to late 90s D.C. hardcore and the like. There ain’t no easy-F%CKIN’-listening soundtrack here. Just face- melting ear-splitting RAWK at a volume that only the heartiest/ hipsterist Leslieville stroller-pushers will brave.

“What Do YOU Think You’re Doing Up THERE?” – Feline jealousy rears it’s ugly head


This is a continuation of a theme first introduced in “What Are You Lookin’ At?”

“The Lord Dufferin” – My favourite building in Liberty Village with the TiltShift Generator treatment


Previous installments of my infatuation with The Lord Dufferin apartments can be seen at the following links:

"He Don't Live Here No More"
May 10th, 2010

"Making A Connection"
May 11th, 2010

Eat your heart out Liberty Village B.I.A.

“Behind Bars” – What happens when you try to photograph a traditional TV screen


Years ago my dad told me that if you wanted to photograph a TV screen your shutter speed should be 1/15th second.

Obviously, you can’t see, know or numerically choose the shutter speed on an iPhone. However, if you are attempting to iphotograph an TV, play with increasing and decreasing the phone’s distance from the TV and observe how the image changes on your screen.

Using this method I was able to shoot this same shot without any black lines.

“Bed Shark” – Kitty hunting for a petting
