So, the world didn’t end today.
But, I found it appropriate that I spent the day on a photo shoot at the new Corus Entertainment building where I had to pass this room everytime I left set. This clock just screams ticking-bomb, self-destruct, the-world-is- going-to-end timer, no?Category: The Daily Mobile
There was more to the message at the beginning but it had dissipated too much for me to make it out. Did anyone else see or photography it?
Last weekend I participated in Improv In Toronto’s 2nd Annual Scavenger Hunt. One of the items was a “sleeve face” which my friend Nathan rocked Julio Iglesias styles!
Our team was The Break-Dancing Robot That Caught On Fire, and we finished 13 out of 76 teams. You can see all the full, long-form results here:
It ain’t exactly amazing decor but it’s definitely genuine!