
“Red Light District”

“Buzzing the Tower”

“Maisonneuve Over”

“Window Blessing”

“Cock of the Walk”

“Wiggle Wiggle”


“Loose Leaf Grid”


“In The Groove”

“Grid Cage”

“World Wide Webbing”

“Wood Ya?”

“Should I Stay or Should I Argosy?”




“Backlit Black Beauty”

“Is Dingi the Plural of Dingus; ‘Cause We Got a Pair Here”


“Master of the Dark Arts”


“The Upside Down”

“Records Collection”

“Feeling Obligated to Plan a Heist”

“A Case of Shingles”

“Western Wall”

“Just What The Doctor Ordered”

“Grid on Grid”

“Goodnight Supermoon”