A few weekends ago I had the pleasure of working with photographer Andrew Macpherson. Even if you don’t know the name you’ll definitely recognize his celebrity and music work – just take a look at his website http://www.macfly.com
Andrew was in town to shoot publicity stills of Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum for their upoming movie “The Vow”.
I captured this image on our pre-light day while the crew was walking back from a test shot. Andrew had hoped to take a few shots of Rachel and Channing outside but on the day of the shoot the weather was overcast and rainy. However, it wasn’t a total loss for Andrew as he did managed to grab a shot of a “sun dog”, an intriguing atmospheric phenomenon which he further describes on his blog at http://macfly.com/2010/10/sun-dog-in-toronto/
Location was Pinewood Studios. All equipment was provided by S1group.ca