“I’m a Professional”

“This Must Not, Not Be The Place”

“The World Wide Web”

“Thou Shall Not Pass”

“We. Are. Disgusting.” – Long-weekend aftermath, ON Route rest-stop, Highway 401, Trenton, Ontario


“Not Cool” – This is NOT how one leaves a public toilet after use


“Warning Sign Fail” – Beat-up collision warning sign for buses at King and Dufferin, Toronto

“Foiled” – Would-be ball hockey player sits dejectedly on the sidelines, Toronto

“Relieving” – Something about this balloon seems…not right, Topps, Niagara Falls, NY

“Crunching Numbers” – Shattered courtesy calculator at bank ATM counter, Chicago

“Warning Sign Fail” – CO2 Alert sticker on a walk-in refrigerator

Perhaps others will not see the humour I see in this warning sticker, but I think it’s hilarious.

I feel this is an area where a written warming may be more effective. Call me crazy, but I think a sign that says “DON’T STAY IN HERE TOO LONG WITH THE DOOR CLOSED OR YOU WILL DIE!” would do more to instill fear of CO??? exposure than a rag-doll stick-figure taking a nap inside a triangle.

“Crap-mobile” – Poor artistic rendering of Fred Flintstone’s automobile